
De Zalze Pro Am

DATE: Monday, 4 June 2018
VENUE: De Zalze Golf Club
TIME: Shotgun start 11:00
COST: PGA Pro – R250 (includes dinner and halfway house)
Amateur guests R450 (includes dinner and halfway house)
PRIZE MONEY: R12 000 prize fund for PGA Pro’s
PLEASE NOTE:  PGA Pros are to bring their own players to complete their four ball.
FORMAT: Pros: Single Stableford off scratch
Team: 4Ball Alliance 2 scores to count throughout
BOOKINGS: Please email Francois Myburgh @assistantgolfmanager@dezalzegolf.com
When emailing, please state your PGA status – Qualified or 3rd / 2nd / 1st Year Apprentice
All cancellations should be directed to Francois Myburgh in good time as per the Tournament Rules and Regulations.
NOTES: •  Qualified Professionals have preference for entries until two weeks prior to the event.
•  Apprentices may be placed on a waiting list during this period.
•  All entrants must be in good standing with the PGA.
•  All participants are required to be at the prize giving and must wear a collared evening shirt and bring a jacket to the prize giving.
Jackets must be worn when collecting a prize. Failure to comply will result in a fine being issued.