
Ebotse Pro Am

DATES: Monday 29th October 2018
 VENUE: Ebotse Links
TIME: 11h00   Shotgun Start

16h00    Top Deck Shootout (with Nearest the Pin Prizes up for grabs)

COST: Cost Professional:            R450.00pp
Cost Amateur:                  R650.00pp (Includes Green Fees, Golf Cart & Prizegiving Dinner)
PRIZE FUND: R15 000.00 (paid out per the PGA official prizemoney breakdown, however please note that in the case that there is not a full field the prizemoney or the positions paid out to, may be adjusted accordingly.)
FORMAT: Professionals:                    IPS
:                                  Four Ball Alliance, 2 scores to count on Par 4’s and 5’s and all 4 to count on Par 3’s
BOOKINGS: Dean Kupferman  Email: golfdirector@ebotselinks.com   Tel: 082 497 9588
The tournament is open to GAUTENG CENTRAL PGA MEMBERS who are in good standing and have paid their annual subscription fee.
NOTES: • By entering for this event you abide by the PGA’s Tournament Regulations & Procedures.
• Qualified PGA professionals will be given booking preference above apprentice professionals.
DRESS CODE: Strictly golf attire.
• At National & Regional “Official functions & Prize presentations” – all PGA members involved in any prize presentation must wear a jacket and collared evening shirt. The stipulation to exactly when the jacket must be worn is when called up to receive a prize.
• All professionals are expected to adhere to the dress regulations on the course and in the club house facility and are also responsible for the dress codes of their amateur.
• Fines and deducting order of merit points will be enforced should the actions of the Pros or their respective guests bring the name of the PGA into disrepute.
 The Tournament Committee reserve the right to refuse entry to any golfer entering into any
PGA sanctioned event or tournament.