Title (e.g. Mr/Mrs) (required) Gender (required) MaleFemale Surname (required) First name (required) Middle name(s) (if any) Date of Birth (required) ID number (required) Note: You will not recieve prize money if you do not provide your Tax Number Tax Number Marital Status (required) SAGA Number (required) Ethnic Group BlackColouredIndianWhiteOther Permanent Residential Address (required) Postal Address (required) Email (required) Work Telephone (required) Cellphone (required)
Bank (required) Branch code Account Holder Name (required) Account number (required) Account Type (required) ChequeSavingsOther
Shirt Size (required) SMLXLXXLXXXL
Blazer Size (required) 32343638404244464850Other
Date & time available for finger printing (required) Upload iFacts Consent for the use of Personal Information Form
First name (required) Surname (required) Permanent home address (required) Work Telephone (required) Cellphone (required) Email (required)
Matric Pass Level (required) Diploma/Degree (if any) Please specify
Company name of Employer (required) Employer name (required) Golf Club / Driving Range (required) Employer Address (required) Occupation (required) Date of Employment (required) I understand the conditions of Associateship as detailed in the Associate Handbook and Roles and Responsibilities form and am aware of the PGAs code of ethics. Furthermore I understand that should my application be accepted by the PGA of South Africa, my amateur status would be forfeited from the date of Letter of Acceptance. I agree that the information provided is true and correct at the time of submission.
Name of Mentor (required) PGA Classification (required) A ClassAA ClassAAA ClassFellowAdvanced FellowMaster Golf Club/Driving Range (required) Mentor Cellphone (required) Mentor Email Address (required)
Please note: Safe Guarding and a final interview is a requirement of being accepted as a PGA Associate. I accept that I need to do the safeguarding process after application All relevant documents to be found in the documents section above or below Upload certified copy of ID (required) Upload Head & Shoulder Photograph (required) max 2MB Upload copy of CV (required) Upload Matric Certificate / Other (required) Upload signed Contract of Employment (required) Upload Roles and Responsibilities Form (required) Upload Safeguarding Forms x 4 (required) Upload Signed Associate Handbook (required) Upload proof of handicap (required) Upload playing ability scores (required) Application form only to be reviewed once POP has been recieved Proof of payment - Application fee (required) The PGA hereby acknowledges that the above infomation will only be utilised for the registration process and no other reasons.