DATE: Saturday 17 March 2018
VENUE: Metropolitan Golf Club
TIME: Morning field from 07h00 – 08h30
Afternoon field from 11h30 – 13h30
COST: No charge to golf professionals. Pros will play with 3 Metropolitan G.C. members.
PRIZE MONEY: Pros will play for a prize fund of R25 000
In addition, each pro will receive R200 towards expenses
Please note: Golf Professionals are invited to the evening dinner (no charge)
Halfway House is for the Golf Pro’s own account
FORMAT: Professionals: Individual Stableford off Scratch.
Team: Alliance – (Professionals may use their club handicap to a maximum of 4)
BOOKINGS: Please email to enter
No telephone bookings
When emailing, please state your PGA status – Qualified or 3rd / 2nd / 1st Year Apprentice
The Tournament Committee reserve the right to refuse entry to any golfer entering into any
PGA sanctioned event or tournament.